March 2017

It is crazy to think that by the end of this month we will be entering the fourth quarter of school.  Spring sports are on track to start next week!  

The old saying: “In like a lion, out like a lamb” has held fairly true so far this month with the weather.  In the school realm it seems to be a bit different. As the days continue throughout the month it seems to get busier and busier. This is due to our school year beginning to wind down and also the days getting longer with the time change.  During this month we have some dates for all of you to be aware.

On the 15th we will have our monthly PLC and the students will be released at 1:00pm. The 20th there is no school, you can call it a spring day because it is the first day of spring, or you can just figure it is an extension of St. Patrick’s Day which will be the previous Friday whatever you prefer.  All I know is that it is a three-day weekend.  Coming back from this break we will have our Kindergarten Roundup on Friday, the 24th.  The PTSA Original Works projects are also due on the 21st for those of you that have students completing them.

Last month, I received a letter from Town Pump and our elementary was granted some money for math and science through the ExxonMobil Education Alliance Grant.  We truly appreciate the support and will use the money to purchase manipulatives and materials that will enhance our math and science programs throughout our elementary. 

As the school year winds down in these last few months, let’s all remember that our goal here at Whitehall Elementary is to “make the best better”. Our community and teachers are the best Whitehall has to offer and in order to make it better, it takes effort on the part of every individual in the community.  Thank you for all you accomplish for our kids and the community of Whitehall.  This is TROJAN country:  be loud, be proud, be a Trojan!

Mr. McLean