• Sr. Head's

    Spanish Classroom Policies & Procedures


    *For JMG information please contact me directly.
     The following are policies and procedures that we'll be using this year in my classroom.  They are designed to help each student achieve success and growth while learning about the cultures and people around the world.  I do reserve the right to make changes to these policies and procedures at any time as I deem necessary.
    Guidelines: (Also known as the rules)

    Be Respectful

    Use good Manners (the Anti-Bullying Rule)
    Follow Directions
    Use Appropriate Voice Level and Language
    Honesty IS the Best Policy
    Be Responsible
    Keep It Clean
    Do Your Best Work
    Use Materials with Care
    Be Ready to Learn
    Come prepared to Work
    Have an Open Mind
    Have all Materials at the Beginning of Class
    Be Safe
    Stay in your own bubble (“No touchy” rule)


      *All other school rules as outlined in the student Handbook

    The Rule of Three (the consequences)
    1. Verbal Warning and/or Conference with Mr. Head
    2. Call to home and Life Skills Builder Report
    3. Removal from the classroom

    Tardy Policy

    A student must be in the room when the bell rings or they will be marked tardy.  In addition, as one of the rules is to come prepared to class, you must come with a notebook and something to write with to every class.  If not, you will be sent back to your locker.  If you do not return back to the room prior to the bell, you will be marked tardy.

    Hall Passes
    They will be allowed sparingly.  As Whitehall High School has a closed classroom policy, students will be kept in class as much as possible.


       -- Your grade will be calculated on a point system.  The grading scale is below:


                93% - 100%              A        Your gade will be calculatedas such:
                90% - 92%                A-        30% Participation
                87% - 89%                B+       40% Daily Assignments
                83% - 86%                B         30% Tests/Quizes/Projects
                80% - 82%                B-
    77% - 79%                C+         
    73% - 76%                C
    70% - 72%                C-
    67% - 69%                D+
                63% - 66%                D        
                60% - 62%                D-

                59% and below       F


    All work is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise indicated by myself. 
    Late Work - Late work will be accepted, however each day that it is late will lower the total possible points by 10% down to 50%.  At the end of a quarter, the work will no longer be accepted.
     If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the work you missed and complete it within two days.  If you are absent the day an assignment is due, you must hand it in the day you return.  If you are marked unexcused absent, the participation assignments you miss will not be accepted and will be marked as zeros.  All tests, quizzes, and projects must be made up in a timely manner.
    Extra credit opportunities are few & far between, so I encourage you to take advantage of them when the opportunities arise. 
    Videos and other media
    As part of Language learning, we will watch videos about the cultures, histories and languages of the various Spanish speaking countries around the world.  Also, we will watch some films that have been dubbed or had subtitles added so that you are familiar with the plot and can focus on the language as you hear and or read it.



       -- Please don't ever be afraid to ask for help or clarification! I am available (just let me know ahead of time, if possible) before school, after school, or during lunch periods.





    It takes Motivation, Attitude and Practice to excel in anything, and I believe that includes learning a foreign language.  Let’s work towards these goals everyday when we enter into the classroom.


    -Praise (and a pat on the back!)


    -Spanish themed fiestas will be awarded to classes.

    -Extra credit will be rewarded on occasion.  Specific instructions will vary.